The Meaning of Names : Sage Tree Circles


As human beings, we use language to express our thoughts and also express meaning.  The name of this web-site and practice has meaning, by looking carefully at what each word expresses, and put together, as a whole.

Sage: wisdom gained through experience

Tree: a universal symbol of life and growth

Circles: a timeless universal symbol of wholeness, the cycles of life and of the self in life

Often the work of counselling and psychotherapy is the process of supporting an individual in working through difficult experiences, which can come ‘full circle’ in completion, allowing the person to continue in life differently through this growth.  I have often been witness to individuals who, through very difficult and painful experiences, are able to ‘heal’ and to go back into life with a deepened understanding of who they are and how to be that in their daily life. Then the cycle of growth continues again, with new experiences, and new challenges, and new growth.  Over time, perspectives change and understanding can grow into your own wisdom and knowing.

Janet Christensen